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A member registered Mar 15, 2022

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(1 edit)

I think the dev should start focusing on the route instead of mixing the attention of all dateable character like in kei-chan route jun is getting pretty annoying and in day 3 to 7 im choosing the choice that will led to kei path but ughh jun is overboarding 

Edit: and there's no indication to know if i was going to each other route , i want to spend more time to kei-chan but its always getting to jun

(1 edit)

I found a bug at anders route. Its day 8 and its in the school bathroom when talbot is fighting walter, there was choices and i choose intimidated him but when i choose it the background glitch and i backwards it few times but suddenly the story change it became " sorry it was a sneeze its not a big deal" and i tried to back it but there was no choice now. Im following some guidelines so im really confused

Spoiler alert

(Edit : i think its not a bug is it supposed to be glitch andy? Im really confused 馃ぃ)